
Should You Start Your Own Business? 

While everyone around you might fit into the corporate world and go from strength to strength, this doesn’t seem to apply to you.

You get bored with tedious work, dislike following irrelevant rules, see things that other people miss on how to improve business processes, and envision possibilities invisible to everyone else.

You don’t fit into the corporate world because you’re wired to be an entrepreneur.

So how do you find your vision, do your own thing, and build a business from scratch?

Here are some suggestions to explore the idea of starting your own business.

What’s Your Vision?

If you’re restless at your current job, and you’ve tried similar jobs in the past, it’s because you see things differently than most.

While it might appear as if you don’t fit in because of your resistance to your boss or colleagues or company policies, this is not the real reason for your discontent. It’s the apparent reason, but not the real reason. You’re restless because you see other possibilities.

So, spend time alone and find your vision. What kind of business do you want to build that would help the world?

A real-life example of a visionary might help you understand the compelling power of a vision to achieve astonishing success.

Jim Plante became a business pioneer in biotechnology because he wanted to find answers to genetic diseases that affect the elderly. He launched several companies related to biotechnology in his search for answers. Today, he is the Founder, Chairman of the board, and Chief Executive Officer of Pathway Genomics, a molecular testing company that offers personalized genetic health information to doctors in the United States and around the world.

Will It Fly?

Once you’ve found your big idea, you need to research it. Business people call this a feasibility study.

Here are some questions to ask to design a feasibility study:

  1. How much money do you need to start your business, and how will you fund it?
  2. Whom will you invite to be part of your team? If you don’t know anyone, then think of the qualities or qualifications you are looking for in potential partners and company executives.
  3. What is the public understanding of your idea? Has anyone tried before it? If so, what happened? If it’s entirely new, say, a new type of software, what reactions can you expect?
  4. What might motivate financial partners or donors to fund your idea or banks to loan you money?
  5. What might motivate people to partner with you or work for you? Why would people be interested in supporting your cause?

Of course, there are many more questions you will need to ask, but these questions will jumpstart your thinking.

If you are fed up with your job, and If you’ve gone from one good job to another but just can’t seem to fit in despite your education and experience, you just might be an entrepreneur. Perhaps it’s now time to let your creative spirit free and allow it to soar on the wings of your vision for a better world.

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