
Preventing security breaches: Follow the basic measures!

Businesses need to take cybersecurity on priority – Period! This is more than just being compliant or protecting data. This has to be about a comprehensive approach. The consequences of a security breach or hack can be devastating to say the least. Many small companies never recover from the impact, because the financial losses, damage to business value is irreparable. Preventing security breaches is not just about spending huge, but about basic precautionary steps. Here is a quick guide for preventing security breaches. 

Start with employee awareness

Training your employees on cybersecurity, and making them aware of social engineering tactics that hackers use to target them, can be immensely useful. You need to show your employees how cybersecurity is done – 

  1. Ask them to use password manager
  2. Ensure that they know how strong passwords are created
  3. Establish basic protocols to find suspicious and phishing emails
  4. Ask employees to report every incident that may impact cybersecurity
  5. Ensure that they know of the latest scams and attacks on businesses

Simple security guidelines are critical

There are certain basic steps that every business can take for cybersecurity. First and foremost, treat every networked device with care, and this includes IP cameras and similar devices too. Networked devices work like computers and can be attacked easily without proper defense. Secondly, ensure that all default details are changed immediately. Update all software, firmware, apps and operating systems to the latest version. These updates are necessary to prevent possible misuse of existing bugs and security lapses. Thirdly, create a plan for managing access rights. You don’t want everyone to have access to IT resources they don’t need. You can find ready access management suites for that. 

Have a plan for managing incidents

Incident response plans create an outline on how a security breach, or a possible hack should be managed. This may inform cutting off the infected device or network, taking up backup of data, and asking the cybersecurity team to get to work immediately. Depending on the extent and impact of a breach, authorities may need to be informed, and in some times, the company must give out a press release, to inform customers and everyone else. Make sure that your incident response plan is as comprehensive as possible. 

Cybersecurity is not about spending huge. It is more about being absolutely in control of your cyber defenses and working collaboratively at all levels. Check for companies that can help in improving your existing cybersecurity measures. 


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